Building trust.
Building futures.

Enjoy a vacation to Cabo — on us!

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Cabo Giveaway entry submission closes at 7 PM on Tuesday, October 3, with the winner selected at 7:30 PM. An email notification will be sent to one happy winner on Wednesday, October 4.

Are you ready to achieve personal fulfillment and live the life of your dreams?

  • High-Quality Multifamily Investments​
  • Asset Management
  • Wealth Preservation
  • Clear Path To Financial Freedom and Passive Income
  • Created by an ENT Surgeon for ENT Surgeons

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Meet Our Founder

Vasu Kakarlapudi, M.D.
Founder and Managing Partner

Vasu Kakarlapudi started Apta Investment Group at the request of his friends and partners who wanted to invest alongside him. His passion is to help healthcare professionals like him attain financial success through a proven pathway of investments in real assets. With more than 18 years of experience in investing, managing, and developing successful commercial real estate, Vasu has enjoyed the advantage of pursuing his passion for treating patients for the love of his profession and not to pay his bills. As a board-certified ENT surgeon with an MBA in entrepreneurship, Vasu reflects his meticulous approach to surgery in his fastidious pursuit to search, acquire, and manage profitable and tax-advantaged real estate in the best markets in the United States. Apta and its expert partnership have a track record of more than $1 billion worth of successful multifamily investments with 100% profitability and continues to create value for investors by providing access to investments they can make with their own money. Vasu is committed to meditation and routine exercise, which helps him continue his thirst for lifelong learning. In his free time, he enjoys playing tennis and spending quality time with family, and traveling the world when possible!

Real Surgeons.
Real Personal Fulfillment.

Andrew Gould, M.D.

“Apta Investment Group has earned my trust and I have been very pleased with my multifamily investment. I appreciate all the detailed analysis that goes into acquiring and managing these assets. I will continue to put my trust in Apta.”

Colin Neumann, M.D.

“As a young surgeon, I was looking for ways I could use my career earnings to generate passive income. Vasu has mentored me in commercial real estate in addition to being my partner in Advanced ENT & Allergy. Apta Investment Group has earned my trust and been successful in helping me diversify my portfolio into multifamily and has already generated passive income for me. They have got a great team assembled, and I look forward to growth of my existing investment with Apta and future ones as well.”

Gregory Abbas, M.D.

“I am an otolaryngologist in the middle of my career and have always looked for ways to diversify my investments outside of a typical stock and bond portfolio to create tax-advantaged passive income now and for my retirement. Vasu and I have served on the board of our practice for many years, and he has been passionate about real estate and helped us develop multiple medical offices, which have been quite successful. He is trustworthy and knows multifamily real estate. My investment with Apta Investment Group generated passive income for me from the very first quarter post acquisition. Given these uncertain times, I appreciate my safe multifamily investment with Apta.”

Eric Carter, M.D.

“I am a practice partner and long-time friend of Vasu. I invested with Apta Investment Group because of the depth and experience of the team in all areas of multifamily. I trust them implicitly and am grateful for the current and future passive income and all the tax advantages. As a surgeon, I appreciate the data-driven demographic analysis that goes into Apta’s investments and look forward to future opportunities with Apta.”

Krishna Konijeti, M.D.

“Vasu and I have been childhood friends, and he has always been very trustworthy and smart with investing. I have been partners with him on real estate ventures for many years, and they have all been profitable. My investment with Apta has delivered exactly as outlined, and I look forward to future growth. Simply put, Vasu and Apta know what they are doing, and I am excited to be an investment partner.”