Vasu Kakarlapudi started Apta Properties at the request of his friends and partners who wanted to invest alongside him. His passion is to help healthcare professionals like him attain financial success through a proven pathway of investments in real assets. With over 16 years of experience in investing, managing, and developing successful commercial real estate, Vasu Kakarlapudi has enjoyed the advantage of pursuing his passion for treating patients for the love of his profession and not to pay his bills. As a board certified ENT surgeon with an MBA in Entrepreneurship, Vasu Kakarlapudi reflects his meticulous approach to surgery in his fastidious pursuit to search, acquire, and manage profitable and tax-advantaged real estate in the best markets in the US. Apta and its expert partnership have a track record of over $700 million worth of successful multifamily investments with 100% profitability and continues to create value for investors by providing access to investments they can make with their own money. Vasu is committed to meditation and routine exercise that helps him continue his thirst for lifelong learning. In his free time, he enjoys playing tennis and spending quality time with family, travelling the world when possible!