We’re All Investors – Whether We Realize It Or Not

September 30, 2024

The other weekend, I had an eye-opening conversation with a good friend. He told me, “I don’t want to be an investor. In fact, I really hate investing. It’s confusing, and I don’t understand why you’re so fascinated by it.”

His words hit me. It wasn’t the first time I’d heard someone say they hated investing, but hearing it from someone so close made me think deeply about what it means to be an investor. I could sense his frustration—the stress of trying to understand something that felt foreign, overwhelming, and, frankly, not worth the headache. He didn’t want to pour his time into something that seemed chaotic and out of his control. He just wanted a sense of security without all the complications.

As we continued talking, I realized that my friend, like so many others, had a narrow view of what investing really means. Most people see it as an abstract world of numbers distant from their daily lives. And exploring options for investing outside traditional methods becomes something they’d rather avoid. I couldn’t blame him for feeling that way. The system seems overly complex at times, and if it feels like a gamble, why would you want to play?

But here’s where it gets interesting. We’re all investors, whether we realize it or not.

Investing Isn’t Just About Money

I explained to my friend that investing isn’t just about money. At its core, it’s about allocating resources in the most optimal way possible to yield the best return. And those resources don’t always have to be financial. 

Think about it—your time, energy, attention, relevance, and even your effort are all resources. The way you choose to spend them is, in essence, a form of investing. You’re making choices every day about where to place these limited resources, consciously or not, and you’re hoping for the best return.

Whether you’re deciding how to spend your weekend or where to direct your energy at work, you’re making investment decisions all the time. The real difference comes when you start to do it consciously, with intention, and with a clearer framework for understanding the potential yield.

I watched my friend’s expression soften as I laid this out. Suddenly, investing didn’t seem so foreign anymore. He was already doing it—he just hadn’t realized it.

Becoming a Conscious Investor

This conversation made me think about how many people feel like my friend—frustrated, overwhelmed, and disengaged from the idea of investing. But the truth is, once you shift your perspective, the world of investing opens up as something much broader. It’s about how you allocate all of your resources to achieve your goals, whatever they may be. 

The Bridge to Financial Empowerment

At Apta, we understand that investing can feel overwhelming, especially if you’re not passionate about it. That’s why our mission is to simplify the process and remove the complexity for you. 

We offer a clear framework to help you make informed, conscious decisions by providing educational resources and giving you access to single-asset investments and multifamily funds—opportunities we personally invest in. Our focus isn’t just on growing your wealth; it’s about helping you reclaim your most valuable resource—your time.

Our goal is to help surgeons and other healthcare professionals allocate their resources—time, money, and energy—more effectively so they can achieve the freedom they seek. I know firsthand what it’s like to feel trapped in the grind of trading hours for dollars, and I also know what it feels like to break free from that and invest in something that builds long-term security and independence.

We focus on simplifying the journey, empowering our investors with tools and opportunities that allow them to grow their wealth alongside us. 

As I finished my conversation with my friend, I could see a shift in his mindset. Investing didn’t seem so daunting anymore. He wasn’t planning on jumping in immediately, but he was beginning to see that there’s more to investing than meets the eye. He realized that by making intentional decisions about where he puts his time, energy, and yes, money, he could achieve the balance and success he craved.

A New Perspective

This conversation reminded me why I’m so passionate about what we do at Apta. It’s not about getting people to love investing—it’s about giving them the tools to become conscious investors so they can live life on their own terms. Whether you love the process or not, we all have the ability to invest in a way that aligns with our goals, and Apta is here to help make that process as seamless and rewarding as possible.

To my friend, and to anyone else feeling frustrated or overwhelmed by the idea of investing, know this: it’s not about mastering the chaos. It’s about understanding that every day you’re making choices that will shape your future. 

With the right guidance and a thoughtful approach, you can become a conscious investor, even if you’ve never considered yourself one before.